Al-Qadim "The Genie's Curse" version 1.1 Patch The following major bug fixes for the game are as follows: 1. In the town, when the Caliph is rescued, the hero could get stuck on the lady in green if the qadi walked too fast. The Qad's speed is now regulated, and the hero will not get stuck. 2. Some users experienced a crash during copy protection. The game will not crash when copy protection is called for. 3. The game would hang when potions have been drunk. This and bug two occured due to a sound file being opened, but not closed. This problem is now fixed. 4. When fighting water elementals on the ship, during and after the fight, the hero could leave the ship via the row boat. This caused various problems. The hero can no longer leave the ship until combat is over and the captain has been spoken to.